This CD-ROM contains a collection of primary sources of information, produced by FAO, on the role of water in agricultural development. It has been prepared by the Land and Water Development Division of FAO for the third World Water Forum (WWF-3). The documents and data collections on the CD-ROM contain background information on the questions and issues debated at the WWF-3. They enable a wider public to gain ready access to a more comprehensive range of FAO forecasts, assessments, technical studies and guidelines in the field of agricultural water development. They are complementary to the background document and issue papers presented and distributed widely by FAO at the WWF-3.
As one of its objectives for intervention in the development of Puntland, 0GB wants to enhance peace and stability through increasing self-reliance in water supply among the various communities. The overall objective of the project is therefore to contribute to the process of social rehabilitation and strengthening the communityandrsquos ability to manage their own affairs in terms of ensuring sufficient availability of water and better sanitary conditions. The proposed project will enable communities in the selected project areas to have access to increased quantity of hygienically acceptable water. This project, as a water and sanitation intervention therefore, is planned to address the water and sanitation problems in the intervention areas by: Extending the duration for which water will be available in the villages by increasing the water holding/maintaining (storing) capacity of existing berkads and by helping the community to construct new ones where Increasing the awareness of the community about the need for consideration of sanitation issues and integrating sanitation activities in all water related activities, andbr In close co-operation with other agencies (like Afnica-70) involved in sanitation activities, intensively engaging the (urban) communities in sanitation awareness activities and assisting the local authorities to take up the matter in a sustainable manner.
This is a report prepared by a consultant contracted by cefa to conduct site surveys and provide detailed site plans of the gauging cross section at Luuq and Bardheere bridges on the Juba River and Belet Weyne and Bulo Burti bridges on the Shabelle River. He was also required to install staff gauges at the four sites provide a brief training to ensure a common standard of record keeping and data transmission is in place for each site among other tasks
This report presents the results of water resources assessment. water supply planning and rehabilitation surveys in Gedo Regon of Somalia carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Somalia Delegation. The assessment was carried out in January to February 2002, and included hydrogeology and geophysical investigations for shallow wells, rain water catchments and boreholes at selected villages within the Region. Furthermore, it included the physical evaluation of the existing water supply facilities throughout the selected villages in the Gedo Region to assess the rehabilitation and improvement requirements to upgrade water delivery to the communities
This CD contains the Mandera Water Sources Mapping Final Report and Maps. The Report is in PDF format which requires that you have Acrobat Reader installed to be able to view or print it. If not, you can install Acrobat Reader from the Acrobat Folder included in the CD. The maps are in JPEG Graphics file format which is compatible with a wide variety of softwares for viewing and printing purposes.
(Extracts from the introduction) The Somalia flow forecasting model (FFM) is a windows based flow forecasting model for the Juba and Shabelle rivers in Southern Somalia. The model is designed to predict river levels and flows at the main gauging stations on the two rivers. Reliable forecasts of up to a week in advance can be obtained based on the information about levels at the most upstream stations on the two rivers supplemented by observation at other stations
This project was initiated by SAWA, a Dutch Foundation that had to withdraw after one year's input. Cefa an Italian NGO with similar experience and expertise, is continuing the project. This Mid-Term Evaluation assesses the progress towards achieving results, draws lessons learned so far and makes recommendations for the continuation of the project into a second phase being planned for December 2002 to August 2004. The problems being addressed in the horticultural sector are:ul; li Limited availability of qualified trainers and insufficient horticultural knowledge and technical skills at farmers level./li liLimited availability of good quality irrigation waterpoor quality of irrigation infrastructure and poor irrigation management./li liLimited availability of high quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, tools and pesticides)./li
This publication provides planners, decision makers and engineers with guideline to sustain irrigated agriculture and at the same time to protect water resources from the negative impacts of agriculture drainage water disposal