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Xaaladda Jajabka-Gebiyada Webi Juba iyo Shabeelle – Sabteembar2016

Saadaasha roob-da’a Deryta 2016 (Oktoobar ilaa Nofeembar) waxay tilmaamaysa mid ah xaalad roobab caadi-u dhaw iyo caadi- ka hooseeya gudaha dooxooyinkaWebi Juba iyo Shabeelle. Hase ahaate, waxaa laga yaabaa in weli ay fatahaad ka dhacdo jiidda labada webi, gaar ahaan meelaha leh gebiyo webi oo furan/gebiyo webi oo tag daran, marka ay dhacdo qulqul webi oo kordhay. SWALIM waxay casryeysay xaaladda jajabka-gebiyada webiga iyadoo khariidadeysay oo isticmaashay Masawir dayax-gacmeed aad iyo aad u bayaansan iyo Muuqal joog tirsiyeed (Digital Elevation Model (DEM)); iyo sidoo kale indha-indheyn goobta gegida meeshii ay suurtogal ah. Saddex nooc oo jajab ayaa la aqoonsaday, oo lagu kala magacaabay: furan, suurogal, iyo xiran. Jajabka furan waa kuwa weli furan inta lagu guda jiro bisha Sabteemabar 2016. Jajabka suurogal waxay ka dhigan tahay meelo gebiyada webigu taag daran yihiin ama la kulmeen jajab waqti dhaw oo la soo dhaafay iyo meel wax yar ama hawlqabad aan laga samaynin. Tan waxaa ka mid ah jajab la xirxiray iyadoo la isticmaalayo kiishash camuud ah. Jajabyada la xirxiray waa kuwo markii hore furnaa balse ka dib la xirxiray iyadoo la isticmaalayo qalab makiinado culus ah, taasoo ka hortagtay fatahaad kale oo muddo gaaban iyo mid dheer. Khariidadaha ku lifaaqan waxay muujinayaan jajabyada furan iyo suurogal ee jiidda labada webi. Marka la soo kobo, toddobo (7) meel oo ka furan jiidda Shabeelle iyo 63 jiidda Juba ayaa la aqoonsaday.Waxaa kale oo la aqoonsaday dhawr meelo kale oo in ay jajabaan suurogal tahay oo u baahan in la xoojiyo. Hase ahaatee, waxaa mudan in la eego in habraacu uu si culus ugu tiirsan yahay masawirro dayax-gacmeed oo ay xadadan tahay ka soo xaqiijinta goobta dhulka. Mararka qaar gebi-jajabyada furan meesha waa laga saari karaa haddii masawirrada dayax-gacmeedku aysan bayaansanayn (tusaale, ded daruur culus) amase aan sinaba loo heli karin. Kkariidadaha xaaladda gebi-jajabyada webiga oo macluumaad faahfaahsan leh, ayaa la soosaaray oo heer ballaaaran ah iyo nuqullo waraaqadag oo laga heli karaa xaafiisyada SWALIM. Macluumaadkaan waa sidoo kale laga heli karaa Habka macluumaadka SWALIM ee Halista Fatahaadda iyo Maareynta Jawaabta (

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Belet Weyne District Reported Floods observation and Sentinel-2 image analysis (25 May 2016)

This dataset was digitized directly from Sentinel-2 imagery of 25th May 2016 to show the areal extent of Belet Weyne flooding. Sentinel-2 image resolution of 10m was downloaded free of charge from European Space Agency (ESA)

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Daadadka Gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe oo looga warbixiyay jeedaalinta iyo falanqaynta muuqaal sawirka

Xog ururin taan si toos ah ayaa looqoray iyadoo digital ah oo laga soo tafsiiray sawirka Landsat -8 iyo 12-kii May 2016 si loo muujiyo xadka bedka fatahaadda ay ka gaartey Jowhar. Fadlan la soco in laga yaabaa in aagga daadadku uusan sax ahayn sababta oo ah fasiraadda waxaa caqabadeeyey dedka daruurta.

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Sida uu noqday Roobka Gu 2016 gudaha Soomaaliya

Xilligii Gu'ga 2016 wuxuu si fiican uga bilawday goor hore qaybo ka mid ah dalka, gaar ahaan Soomaaliland, intii lagu jirey tobankii maalmood ee saddexaad ee bisha Maarso oo sii socday isagoo bed ahaan faafay intii lagu jirey tobanaadkii koowaad iyo labaad ee bisha Abriil. Qaybaha kale gaar ahaan gudaha Puntland iyo gobollada koonfureed wuxuu xilligu ka bilawday goor danbe kaas oo hadana dhamaaday goor hore.

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Rainfall Performance

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Shabelle River Flood Advisory 27-05-2016

Observed river levels of the Shabelle River in Somalia have remained high for the last few weeks. This has been attributed to heavy rains in the upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands during the months of April and May. The River level at Belet Weyne in Hiran is currently at bank full and has remained so for the last one week as seen in Figure 1. This has resulted in over bank spillage leading to riverine floods in Belet Weyne town and the surroundings. There has been a significant reduction of rainfall activities both in Somali and the Ethiopian highlands. The high river levels being observed in Belet Weyne currently are due to the large amount of water coming from the upstream reaches in Ethiopia. Unofficial reports from Ethiopia indicate that there has been flooding in some areas and the flood water is now getting back to the river. In additional to this, there are minimal water abstractions in Ethiopia for irrigation and other purposes following the heavy rains in the highlands since April. It is expected that the flood wave will be transmitted downstream of Belet Weyne in the coming days. Currently the river levels at Bulo Burti are very high and in less than five days this high levels will be reflected in Jowhar. There is therefore high risk of flooding in the coming few days in the Middle and lower reaches of the Shabelle river given the current situation. Areas to watch include Jowhar town and its environs; where the river level is currently high and other riverine towns in the lower Shabelle region. The situation could be further exacerbated by weak river embankments and open river banks. For more information on this and related issues please visit:

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Flood Alert

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 11-05-2016

Heavy rains reported in parts of Somalia continue to cause flash floods and river flooding in the country. In Puntland Eyl station along the coast of Nugaal region recorded high amount of rainfall (86mm) in the last 24 hours after which was followed by 75mm the yesterday (10 May 2016). The three days rainfall forecast calls for more rains in northern parts of the country while light rains are expected in the central and southern parts. There is a high risk of flash floods in the coastal areas of Bari and Nugaal regions. The river levels remain high in both Juba and Shabelle, with high risk of flooding along the Shabelle; while in Middle and Lower Juba the risk of flooding has changed from moderate to high with river flooding in Lower Juba.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 12-05-2016

The three days rainfall forecast calls for more rains in northern parts of the country while light rains are expected in the central and southern parts. There is a high risk of flash floods in the coastal areas of Bari and Nugaal regions. The river levels remain high in both Juba and Shabelle, with high risk of flooding along the two rivers.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 13-05-2016

Light to moderate rains are expected across Somalia in the next three days. Along the coastal areas of Bari and Nugal regions the forecast calls for moderate to high rains; while in the Ethiopian highlands scattered light to moderate rains will be experienced in the forecast period. There is a high risk of flash floods in the coastal areas of Bari and Nugaal regions. The river levels remain high in both Juba and Shabelle, with high risk of flooding along the two rivers.

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Rainfall Forecast

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L-21 Warbixin Baaris Daleed ee Khayraadka Dhulka Soomaaliland

Warbixinta baarista khayraadka dalka Somaliland waxay waramaysaa diiwaagelin kheyraad dabiiciga ah iyo muuqaal daleed. Fiirada gaarka ee warbixintu waxay ku saabsan tahay taageero siinta geedi-socodka horumarin siyaasad dhul. Diiwaagelin Khayraad Dabiici ah waxay muhiim u tahay qorshayn isticmaal dhul oo dhamaystiran taasoo fiiro gaar ah u leh khayraad bulshadeedka dhulka iyo biyaha, waxayna aasaas u noqonaysaa meel u furan qorshayn iyo ilaalin, kala xadayn cusub, qorshayn dhawris, meelo muhiimad deegaaneed iyo qorsheyaal iyo siyaasado kale oo degmadeed. Daraasadaan waxay ku qabsoontey iyadoo loo marayo qiimayn miis dushii ah ee khayraadka dhulka oo la isticmaalayo macluumaadka hadda jira (ciidda, cimilada, isticmaalka dhulka, dayax-gacmeed), sahan carro iyo falanqayn xog ciid si loo kordhiyo fahmidda sifooyinka ciidda oo ay ka mid yihiin bacrin ciid iyo sahanno waxyaabo kale oo wax soo saar ciid kala duwaya, hab-nololeed iyo isticmaal dhul si loo xaqiijiyo habab waxsoosaar (Hababka Isticmaalka Dhulka) oo ay horey u qeexday SWALIM iyo baaris ciido, isticmaal dhul iyo xaddidnaan iyo heer awoodeed ee waxsoosaar iyo iskuduwid saldhig-xog khayraad dhul oo la ballaariyey ee. Diiwaagelinta xogta khayraadka dhulka waxay sameeyey shaqaale ka tirsan Wasaaradda Deegaanka iyo Horumarinta Reer Miyiga (MoERD) ee Somaliland. Kahor sahanno goobaha duurka looga baahna ayaa SWALIM waxay u tababartay shaqaalaha wasaaradda habka loo sameeyo xog ka soo ururin dibedaha duurka. Markaas ka dib ayaa kooxda duurka loo diray si ay u soo ururiso xogta khayraadka dhulka. Xogta waxaa laga soo uruuriyey arrimaha isticmaal dhul, ded dhul, hab-nololeed, iyo ciid gudaha degmooyinka Burco iyo Oodweyne ee Somaliland. Xogtan waa la falanqeeyay iyo natiijooyinkana waxaa loo soo bandhigay maamullada Somaliland iyadoo loo qabtay shirweyne daneeye kaasoo noqday kii ugu soo jiidasho badnaa hawsha SWALIM qabato. Waxaa laga soosaaray warbixin cinwaan looga dhigay "Warbixin baaris geyiyeed iyo khayraadka dhulka Soomaaliland". Warbixinta Saldhigga Khayraadka Dabiiciga iyo baaris geyiyeedka Somaliland, oo ay weheliso sadhigyo-xogeed oo la xiriira khayraadka dabiiciga, waa aalado muhiim ah si kor loogu qaado helitaan macluumaadka dhulka iyo khayraadka dabiiciga kale loo dhanyahay si loo fududeeyo maalgelin waxsoosaar leh iyo taageerid horumarin bulshadeed iyo mid dhaqaale. Tilmaamo maareyn khayraad dabiici ayaa sidoo kale la hormarin doona oo waafaqsan nuxurrada warbixinta.

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Technical report

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Summarised physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites

Summarised physical and biotic descriptions of range monitoring sites

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Resource Management and Research

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Instituto Agronomico per L'Oltremare Firenze

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Juba Valley development study: Volume I, Summary report

This report details the results of more than one yearandrsquos study conducted by the andldquoDivisione Esteroandrdquoof Technital, S.p.A. (which has had independent status since August 1975 and now goes by the name of Technosynesis S.p.A., Planning and Engineering Consultants). The report consists of six volumes. The first of these, the present one, summarizes all the investigations and conclusions, which are detailed in the other five volumes together with relevant documentation and explanations.

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Juba Valley development study: Volume III Geology, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering

This report details the results of more than one yearandrsquos study conducted by the andldquoDivisione Esteroandrdquoof Technital, S.p.A. (which has had independent status since August 1975 and now goes by the name of Technosynesis S.p.A., Planning and Engineering Consultants). The report consists of six volumes. This is the third volume and gives details Geology, hydrology and hydraulic engineering of the project area

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World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies

Monitoring mission report on deep well drilling project in Middle Shabelle region

On 12th Aug. 95 WES National Project Officer, Mr. Mohamed El-Fattah sent a radio massage to Mr. Ali Haifa who was the Hargeisa WES OIC, requesting to deploy Mr. Hassan Egal for 10 days mission to Rage Eele in Jowhar Region area where UNICEF committed in drilling 2 deep wells through one of UNICEF partner ADRA International NGO based in Mogadishu and have sub-office in Adele District. The terms of reference of the trip were the following: 1. Inspection arid monitoring the on going project. 2. To brief a new employed WES consultant for Mogadishu on the policies and procedure of UNICEF Water and environmental sanitation programme

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United Nations International Childrens Education Fund

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Gauge Rehabilitation

Advanced Queries and Formulas 2.0 Top of Form 1 Author Vasily Belyh Last Modified Aug 04 1999 Software ArcView 3.x Language Avenue Category ArcView Tables,ArcView Views: General Extension Yes Keywords table, view, query, expression, calculate, formula Filename File size 16.72 KB Bottom of Form 1 Top of Form 2 File name: advcalc2.avx File size: 65.63 KB Bottom of Form 2 Useful extension to store the user's queries and formulas in project

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European Centre For Agricultural training

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International Commitee of the Red Cross/Crescent

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Center for Ecology and Hydrology

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European Centre For Agricultural training

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Journal Article

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U.S Geological Survey

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Journal Article

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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