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Shabelle Hydrometric Data

(Extract from preface)The Hydrometry Project TCP/SOM/8906 was born after the visit to Somalia of the Hydrologist Jean C. Henry in 1979, to evaluate irrigation potential along the Juba and shebelli rivers. During this study the Hydrometric data base was questioned as regards both its validity and representativity. The first steps taken to rectify the situation was the formulation of the Hydrometry Project and its implementation in January 1980. The main objectives of the Hydrometry Project were to try and re-rate all the National Hydrometric stations on the Jubba and Shebelli rivers.

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Gemmell B., A., P., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), Somali Democratic Republic

Juba Hydrometric data

The main objectives of the Hydrometry Project were to try and re-rate all the National Hydrometric stations on the Jubba and Shebelli rivers to maintain a reliable and continous hydrological database to ensure reliable calculations and planning of development projects in aid of the future of agriculture in Somalia.The Project covers the area of Somalia dependant upon the Jubba and Shebelli rivers for its water. These two rivers drain the eastern slopes of the Ethiopian Plateau to the west of Somalia, and are the only sources of surface water which is available for large scale irrigation development in Somalia.

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Gemmell A.,P.

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Gemmell A.P.B., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Flood damage asessment study, main report

This report was requested after major flooding occurred in the Shabelle and Juba valleys in Somalia during April and May The report covers: br •Assessment of damage to agriculture arid •recommendations for indicate assistance to farmers affected by the •Preliminary recommendations to reduce damage from future floods. br

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

Homboy area and small holder banana cultivation in the lower Juba Valley and assesment of agricultural benefits, Feasibility study

(Extract from Introduction) The project, as proposed in the 1980 study by YTS/MMP, comprised 8 850 ha net of irrigated land supplemented by 2 675 ha of rainfed land at full development. The rainfed areas were not considered suitable for surface irrigation due primarily to topographic limitations. The scheme was designed to form the basis of the resettlement of nomads temporarily located at Dujuuma with a holding size of 1 ha per family. Overall management of the project would be by the Settlement Development Agency (SDA).

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Sir M. Macdonald and Partners

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Settlement Development Agency

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Sir M. Macdonald and Partners

Corporate Author:

Settlement Development Agency

Homboy area and small holder banana cultivation in the lower Juba Valley and assesment of agricultural benefits, Main Report

(Extract from the Summary) The objective of the present study is to update the 1980 feasibility study in the light of the changed conditions in the Juba valley. In particular it is assumed that water regulation of the-river is achieved by Bardheere dam and that the farming system is to be based on smallholders rather than settlers. Particular emphasis is placed by the Terms of Reference on the following aspects: br - cropping pattern, particularly in view of the perennial supplies afforded by Bardheere dambr - farm budgets, including livestockbr - irrigation efficiencies, water management and water users' associations br; b Annexesbr Annex 1 Homboy Feasibility Studybr Annex I Smallholder Banana Development br Annex III: Assessment of Agricultural and Flood control Benefits br Album of drawings br

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Sir M. Macdonald and Partners

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Settlement Development Agency

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Corporate Author:

Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited


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